All articles
2.8" TFT Touch Shield V2.0
2KM Long Range RF link kits w/ encoder and decoder (SKU: 113990018)
4A Motor Shield (SKU: 105030004)
4WD Mecanum Wheel Robot Kit (SKU: 110070012)
5 Inch HDMI Display with USB TouchScreen SKU (104990243)
Adjustable DC/DC Power Converter (1V - 12V/1.5A) (SKU: 105030005)
Advanced PCBの仕様
Altium Designer からガーバーファイルを出力する方法
Arch Pro (SKU: 810001001)
Arduino Adapter For Raspberry Pi (SKU: 103990079)
Automation Board (SKU: 102990218)
Base Shield V2 (SKU: 103030000)
Base Shield V2 (SKU: 103030000)
Bluetooth shield (SKU: SLD63030P)
CAN BUS shield (SKU:SLD01105P)
CAN BUS SHIELD work with Galileo Gen2
Can I change the declared value of the goods?
Can I use connection to panelize the board?
Can the V-cut line be curve?
Can you make special shape/outline of PCB?
Can you solder components which are not in the Seeed Open Parts Library (OPL)?
Customs, Duties and Taxes Policy
Designing Multi-color Silkscreen in Seeed Fusion: Tips and Best Practices
Do products come with warranties?
Do you ship to PO Boxes?
DSO nano firmware update
DSO Nano V3 (SKU: TOL01241P)
DSO Quad - Aluminium Alloy Silver (SKU: 109990016)
EL Tape - Red 1m (SKU: 104990044)
Encoder Geared Motor JGB37-371 (SKU: 316070003)
ESP8266 based WiFi module - SPI supported (SKU: 317060015)
Firmware link of mini soldering iron
Firmware update and Arduino sketches on RePhone Geo Kit does not work on my Windows 7 64bit PC
Fusion - Free E-testing Service
Fusion Advanced PCB Specification
Fusion Aluminum PCB Specification
Fusion FPC (Flexible PCB) Specification
Fusion Gallery FAQ
Fusion PCB / PCBA注文のリードタイム・納期はどのくらいですか?
Fusion PCB Specification
Fusion PCB Stencil Specification
Fusion PCBA Specification
Fusion Reference Data
Fusion Shipment Specification
Galvanometer motor (SC17-15K) (SKU: 316010012)
GPRS Shield (SKU: SLD01098P)
Grove - 125KHz RFID Reader (SKU: SEN11425P)
Grove - CO2 Sensor SKU: 101020067
Grove - Dust Sensor (SKU: 101020012)
Grove - Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor (SKU: 101020033)
Grove - Finger-clip Heart Rate Sensor with shell (SKU: 101020082)
Grove - GSR sensor (SKU: 101020052)
Grove - GSR sensor (SKU: 101020052)
Grove - High Temperature Sensor (SKU: 111020002)
Grove - I2C Color Sensor (SKU: SEN60256P)
Grove - I2C Hub (SKU: 103020006)
Grove - LCD RGB Backlight
Grove - Moisture Sensor (SKU: SEN92355P)
Grove - Multichannel Gas Sensor (SKU: 101020088)
Grove - NFC (SKU: 113020006)
Grove - OLED Display 0.96" (SKU: OLE42178P)
Grove - PIR Motion Sensor (SKU: SEN32357P)
Grove - Starter Kit for Arduino (SKU:ELB00100M)
Grove - Ultrasonic Ranger(SKU: 101020010)
Grove - Ultrasonic Ranger(SKU: 101020010)
Grove - Ultrasonic Ranger(SKU: 101020010)
Grove Breakout for Linkit Smart 7688 Duo(SKU: 103030032)
Grove Starter Kit for Photon (SKU: 110060048)
Grove-Piezo_Vibration_Sensor (SKU:101020031)
Having trouble on checkout page?
How can I cancel my Fusion order?
How can I cancel my order?
How Can I change my shipping address or billing address?
How can I change my shipping address?
How can I find/use my coupon?
How can I get the shipping cost/methods for Fusion orders?
How can I place an Bazaar online order when I want to finish payment via Bank transfer ?
How come my tracking number doesn't work?
How do I complete the additional payment? (Seeed Fusion only)
How do I design non-plated through holes/slots?
How do I export PCB Assembly Drawings/Fabrication Files for Seeed Fusion PCBA Orders?
How do I export PCB Pick and Place (XY) Files for Seeed Fusion PCBA Orders?
How do I place a Seeed Fusion PCB Assembly (PCBA) Order?
How do I place an ODM Light Customization order on your website?
How do I prepare the Bill of Materials (BOM) file for Seeed Fusion PCBA Orders?
How do plated through holes/slots shows on the Gerber?
How do you handle defective on arrival / DOA orders?
How fast can I get my 3D printing product?
How long do Fusion orders take?
How long do Fusion PCB/PCBA orders take?
How long does it take for orders to get sent?
How should the V-cut line look like in Gerber?
How to apply the Coupon/Promotional Code
How to connect UARTSBeeV4 to ESP8266 based WiFi module (SKU:317060015).
How to convert drilling layer from Gerber to Excellon format in CAM350
How to find product document?
How to generate Gerber and Drill files from Eagle
How to generate Gerber and Drill files from Fritzing
How to generate Gerber files from CircuitMaker
How to generate Gerber files from DesignSpark
How to generate Gerber files from DipTrace
How to generate Gerber files from PCBE
How to generate Gerber files from Proteus
How to generate Gerber files in Altium Designer
How to get solutions of tech questions ?
How to place a Fusion PCB order?
How to proceed customs clearance?
How to register and place order?
How to reset my password/Email address?
How to select Shipping Method?
How to Track My Parcel?
How to use Wishlist
I am not happy with the quality of my Fusion order, what can I do?
I chose the wrong color in my Fusion order, can I change it?
I don't want silkscreen on my PCBs, how can I proceed with a PCB Assembly order?
IOIO OTG for Android (SKU: KIT02600M)
LinkIt Assist 2502 (SKU: 102990179)
LinkIt MT2502A Module -Scale for IoT solution (SKU: 317030022)
LinkIt ONE (SKU: 102030002)
LinkIt Smart 7688 (SKU: 102110018)
LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo (SKU: 102110017)
Linkit smart 7688 Duo(SKU: 102110017)
LoRaWAN Gateway Kit(SKU:110060622, 110060623)
Mecanum Wheel Kit (2 Left, 2 Right) (SKU: 114990133)
Mini PIR Motion Sensor Module (SKU: 800130001)
Motor Shield (SKU: SLD01102P)
Motor Shield V2.0 (SKU: 105030001)
Music shield (SKU: SLD01104P)
My Fusion order status is "Pending/Awaiting Revised File", what should I do?
My PCB does not require Drill Holes, what should i do ?
My PCB does not require Solder Mask, what should I do?
NFC shield (SKU: SLD01097P)
PCB quantity
Quick Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (SKU: 110060088)
Rainbowduino (SKU: ARD127D2P)
Raspberry Pi Pico Sponsorship FAQ
Recommend size for BGA
Relay Shield (SKU: SLD01101P)
RePhone Kit Create (SKU: 110040002)
SDLogger - Open Hardware Data Logger (SKU: 105990002)
Seeed BLE Shield (SKU: 113030013)
Seeed Do NOT Allowed to do any low-value reporting operations.
Seeed Fusion Certification Requirements
Seeed Fusion Mechanical Parts Capabilities
Seeed Fusion PCB Assembly Service Quick Questions
Seeed Fusion PCB Gerber Reader (日本)
Seeed Fusion PCB Gerber Reader FAQ
Seeed Fusion PCB upload error: Drill file not found
Seeed Fusion PCB upload error: Drill file not found (日本)
Seeed Fusion PCB upload error: Outline not found
Seeed Fusion PCB upload error: Outline not found (日本)
Seeed Fusion Quality Assurance Guarantee
Seeed Fusion Rare PCB Parameter Combinations
Seeed Fusion Rare PCB Parameter Combinations (日本)
Seeed Fusion's Commitment to Environmental Safety
Seeed Licensed Products Program FAQ
Seeed PCBA Functional Testing
SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green (SKU: 102010027)
Seeeduino ADK Main Board (SKU: ARD52028P)
Seeeduino GPRS (SKU: 810002001)
Seeeduino Lotus - ATMega328 Board with Grove Interface (SKU: 102020001)
Seeeduino PCBA Functional Test Plan
Seeeduino Stalker v3 (SKU: 102010017)
Seeeduino V4 (SKU: 102010004)
Seeeduino V4.2 (SKU: 102010026)
Seeeduino V4.2 (SKU: 102010026)
Seeeduino V4.2 (SKU: 102010026)
Servo Problem-Grove starter kit plus Intel IoT Edition
Shield Bot (SKU: SLD01091P)
Sidekick Basic Kit for Arduino (SKU: 110060003)
Singapore Post service no longer available for Fusion orders dispatched to Canada
Skeleton Bot - 4WD Hercules Mobile Robotic Platform (SKU: KIT06071P)
Solder Mask Dam
SPI don't work with LinkIt ONE
Termination of the 5 pieces PCBA Free Assembly Offer
TFT Touch shield(SKU: SLD62445P)
USB-CAN Analyzer (SKU:114991193)
W5200 Ethernet Shield (SKU: SLD91000P)
Weight Sensor (Load Cell) 0-5kg (SKU: 114990094)
What about Product Guarantee / Warranty?
What are Blind and Buried Vias?
What are Plated Half-Holes/Castellated Holes?
What are Seeed's business hours?
What are SMT Stencil Fiducial Marks?
What are the available shipping methods?
What are the dimensions for Dielectric Separation thickness?
What are the extra characters (production code) printed on my boards?
What are the Fusion PCB order statuses?
What are the order statuses in Bazaar?
What are the PCB panelization rules?
What color options are available for the solder mask/resist?
What does each stock status mean?
What holidays does Seeed observe?
What information should I offer to finish the PCB assembly?
What is Fusion?
What is Gerber file?
What is Impedance Control?
What is the correct way to draw the silkscreen on the bottom side?
What is the depth and width of the v-cuts/grooves?
What is the dielectric constant of FPC
What is the dielectric material of FPC
What is the difference between Fusion standard PCB and Fusion Advanced PCB?
What is the Lead Time for Seeed Fusion PCB Assembly orders?
What is the PCB copper weight?
What is the Seeed Fusion Design for Assembly (DFA) review?
What is the Seeed Fusion Drop Shipping Service?
What is the Seeed Fusion PCB Assembly (PCBA) Service?
What is the stack up of 4/6/8 layers boards?
What is the The Min Track/Spacing for 1oz./2oz./3oz. Copper weight
What is the thickness of the inner copper layers?
What language do I enter my information in?
What payment methods do you accept?
What PCB materials are available in Seeed Fusion?
What PCB surface finishes are offered in Seeed Fusion?
What should I do if my Gerber files are too big (over 4MB)?
What size PCBs can Seeed Fusion manufacture?
Where can I download my invoice?
Where Can I get my invoice?
Where do you ship the orders?
Where to find documents of products ?
Which layer should I use in EAGLE for milling?
Which layer should I use in EAGLE for V-slot?
Why Can't I choose Express Service to Russia?
Why didn't I receive an order confirmation e-mail?
Why do Fusion PCB prices fluctuate so much?
Why doesn't my tracking number work on the tracking website?
Why has my Air Mail package still not arrived?
Why has my Fusion PCB been charged from $4.90USD to $9.90USD?
Why haven't I received any e-mails about my order confirmation or status updates?
Why is it taking so long for customs clearance?
Why is it taking so long for customs clearance?
Why is the Tax ID/Personal ID required?
Why is there no updated information from the tracking number?
Why my order still processing / not ship?
Why the website cannot read the BOM file?
Why we recommend ENIG for most PCB Assembly (PCBA) Orders
Wifi Bee (SKU: WLS48188P)
Wifi shield (Fi250) (SKU: 812001001)
WiFi Shield (SKU: WLS06201P)
Will Fusion check the Gerber files after I place an order?
Will Fusion service order page automatically measure my board dimensions?
Wio Link (SKU:102110037)
Wio Node (SKU 102110057)
Wio Tracker - GPS, BT3.0, GSM, Arduino Compatible(102990824)
Wio_LTE(SKU: 102990925, 102990924, 102990923, 102990837)
Wireless Sensor Node - Solar kit (SKU:KIT80949P)
Xadow - BLE Slave
Xadow - M0 mbed enabled ARM Cortex-M0 board (SKU: 102040001)
Xadow - Main Board (SKU:COM00100P)
Xadow - NFC (SKU:WLS07111P)
Xadow - OLED 0.96'' (SKU: 104010000)
Xadow GPS v2 (SKU: 113040009)
Xadow GSM + BLE (SKU: 102040005)
XC2C64A CoolRunner-II CPLD development board (SKU: 102990004)
ピック&プレースファイル の出力方法
ブラインドビア/ ベリードビアとは
注文のEQ問題の確認と回答方法 / データ不備のメールを受信した場合の解決方法