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How do I prepare the Bill of Materials (BOM) file for Seeed Fusion PCBA Orders?

For Seeed PCBA orders, the Bill of Materials or BOM file should follow our template (you can download a template here). Otherwise, the system may not be able to read the file or may miss vital information.

Accepted file formats: .xls, .xlsx or .csv spreadsheet formats

Please include the following columns and make sure there are no other columns with similar names. Anything outside of these columns will be ignored by the system:

- Column A -
The component label printed on the silkscreen (or assembly files) that tells us where to place the part(s) on the board. E.g. C1, C2, C5, C7. Only commas can be used to distinguish each designator. For example C1; C2; C5; C7 or C1-C7 will not be read correctly.

- Column B -
Manufacturer’s Part Number (MPN) or Seeed SKU: 
The part number given by the manufacturer – NOT the supplier, i.e. not the DigiKey number or Mouser number. If you are using parts from the Seeed Open Parts Library (OPL), then you can enter the Seeed SKU value instead. E.g. the part number CC0402JRNPO9BN330 or the Seeed SKU number 302010000 are both fine.

- Column C -
The number of this part on one piece PCBA. E.g. for the above, the quantity would be 4, which means 4 of component CC0402JRNPO9BN330 are required per PCBA piece, on locations C1, C2, C5, and C7.

- Column D - (optional)
Part link: 
A link for more details about the part to help our procurement team if the system cannot find it. This is for reference only, it does not mean we will buy it from this link. Filling in this column in the BOM saves you from having to enter it every time you upload the BOM.



- The number of designators should be equal to or less than the quantity.

- Please ensure there are no empty cells in the first three columns, all three pieces of information are needed.

- Please only include parts in the BOM that you need Seeed Fusion to purchase and solder onto the boards. If you have testing points or parts you will solder yourself, please do not include these in the BOM.

- If the uploaded Gerber files are for a panel, then the BOM quantities should also be for the panel, not the individual PCB. Otherwise, there will not be enough components for all the PCBs. 

For example,

For a panel of three boards, the BOM quantities for one board need to be multiplied by 3:


A gap!

The first three columns of information are mandatory, please make sure there are no gaps in any of these columns. Please also do not include headers or merged cells or totals

Using the wrong MPN

Please make sure MPN field contains the Manufacturer Part Number, NOT the Digikey or Mouser Part Number.

Do not include test points, fiducials or other objects that are not components in the BOM!

This may confuse the system and cause your quotation to undergo offline quoting unnecessarily.

If all fails.. 

Open a new spreadsheet and copy the columns into the new spreadsheet. Sometimes formatting and settings can affect the system’s ability to read the file.

Still not working? Let us take a look. Send us a message at  

More Information:

How do I place a Seeed Fusion PCB Assembly (PCBA) Order?

What is the Lead Time for Seeed Fusion PCB Assembly orders?

Seeed Fusion PCB Assembly Service Quick Questions

Last Modified 2021/1/03

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