Plase fix the shopping cart!
In an earlier step I added an item to the shopping cart which I now don't need anymore.
But there is no function to remove an item: no "remove" link and button "-" only reduces count down to "1" but not to "0".
Please fix this asap, as I cannot order anything by now without also ordering the superfluous item.
Second, you suggest to go to shopping cart and use the link "estimate shipping costs" if you want to know how much shipping will cost before checkout ... Nice! But there is no such link!

conor mcgregor commented
Play Little Mess online,just one a single click here this link i am sure you felling very well to played.
Kamilini Mukaharji commented
i want to know the same.
Paul commented
this is still broken over a year later (Firefox 54, 24 inch monitor) Ctrl-A doesn't reveal any dustbin icon.
So, I can't place an order because I can't remove unwanted items from the cart. I suspect you're losing business because of this .. I for one thought it was deceitful and suspicious so went googling for other complaints ... then I found this old complaint about the same problem.
Mitchel commented
Sorry, there is no dustbin Icon!
There's something wrong with your page layout, at least in my web browser(s). Now that you've said it, that there should be an icon: Selecting all page content with keys <ctrl> + <a> I see where you placed the button / Icon and can use it. But without that trick, the Icon is pure white on a white background.
Thanks for your advice! It's really great. Actually, there is a function to delete an item, which is the icon of dustbin. Maybe it's not obvious enough to understand at the first glance.
We will make a plan to fix the shopping cart.