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554 results found

  1. Ship the product and answer emails - I won't order from you again. I will also tell others of my the poor experience

    Ship the product and answer emails - I won't order from you again. I will also tell others of my the poor experience

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  2. add pcb picture in order page

    in the pcb order page put a picture of the pcb next to it. because your system changes the file names and we can't recognize them anymore

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  3. CISECO SRF Module (used on

    I would like to by about 20 pc. of the CISECO SRF Module (used on CISECO SRF Shield). Will it get available again ?

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  4. "Seeed Fusion’s Awarded questionnaire" Letter

    "Seeed Fusion’s Awarded questionnaire" e-mail is broken - link inside it leads nowhere, its just "fusion-questionnaire.html?key=*****" without complete URL

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  5. Correct your "W5500 Ethernet Shield" page

    The 9th bullet point under "Features" says "Not supports IP Fragmentation". Either that was supposed to say "Now" instead of "Not" or it is worded very clumsily.

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  6. Hello, your PCB specifications are not clearly shown, when open on browser they are off to the right side and cannot be read/seen. pls edit

    Hello, your PCB specifications are not clearly shown, when open on browser they are off to the right side and cannot be read/seen. pls edit

    you need to redo your PCB spec display, we cannot see.

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  7. home production

    need bulk discount , for like 50-1000 pcs that should cost near about production cost .
    it is not possible to solder this chips at home.

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  8. Smaller stensels

    My PCBs are all very small and I hand screen and place components. Any chance of getting a screen that is 10 mm or so bigger all around than the PCB.

    No need to pay high shipping costs for a screen that I have to cut up to use.

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  9. shipping cost calculator

    Edda shipping cost calculator, please.
    For example, to Ukraine.
    Thank You.

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  10. A better support from SeeedStudio

    Pretty simple a better support.

    It is a must.

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  11. Update the Relay Shield to Version 4.0 with....

    The arduino relay shield could be even better with:

    1) If the status LED's were in order for 1, 2, 3 and 4.
    2) If the shield used smaller reed relays and supported 6 or 8 relays.
    3) If each terminal block had FOUR terminals one unused. Why? Because there's always a ground return or something else to hook up.
    4) If there were a solder block so the pins activating the relay could be cut and swapped to other I/O pins.
    5) If the silk screen documented what I/O pins went to each relay by default.


    6) If…

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  12. Don't use DHL for Italy

    Crazy extra cost with DHL. I ordered 110$ and I payed 50$ of extra taxes. I think that I will never order material from seed studio site!

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  13. eC compitable stencil and PCB, and visual check tool like Eurocircuits have

    Can you add the option (like on the Eurocircuits website) to make PCB and stencil compatible with the eC standard?
    Eurocircuits is a European PCB manufacturer, they sell a common used stencil machine the eC-stencil-mate:
    The eC standard can be found here:
    Here you can find the option:
    eC-registration compatible PCB

    It is also recommended to make a visual check tool, such as Eurocircuits have.

    5 votes
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  14. Don't use DHL to ship to Portugal (i bought a 157€ product and payed 135€ of taxes because DHL decided....)

    Don't use DHL to ship to Portugal (I bought a 157€ product and payed 135€ of taxes because DHL decided to put in the customs formulary that they charge around 117€ to transport to Portugal and so the Customs in Portugal have billed me (with the dhl services) the 135€
    I have bought 157€ product with free delivery and because of DHL just cost me more 135€....
    Please use a better company, or ctt

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  15. why hasn't my order shipped?

    why hasn't my order shipped? Please have better options to contact Support.

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  16. 3D Model and Gerber Files

    Having gerber files or some data sheet to show the locations of the header placements for easier use. Having 3d model of the PCB with the connectors for easier use.

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  17. Please block your google ads from displaying on hate website Breitbart News

    A simple way to resist Trump's attack on science is to defund the hate website

    Please block your google ads from displaying on hate website Breitbart News. #madblock

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  18. import the artificial intelligence shield for Arduino and Rasperry PI from

    import the artificial intelligence shield for Arduino and Rasberry PI and CuriesNeurons Pro library.

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  19. Speech Recognizer

    Customization for the initiation key word
    Customization for the response after command

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  20. Make Grove cables in solid colours, at least white and black

    Grove cables are polarized, so there the colour code is not necessary most of the time. It is useful when cutting a cable and soldering to some other thing, or for a breakout cable. But when a JST connector is on both ends, the colour code is not needed. Solid colour cables would be more attractive for those projects where the cables are visible.

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