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554 results found

  1. Better inventory management needed

    Most products that I would to order are out of stock! :( Water pump, relay, flow sensor, etc. There should be an option for back-order or notification to customer when the product is back in stock.

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  2. I want to pay extra for options

    Dear, I want to pay USD 10 for my PCB project extra because of panel. How can I do this?

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  3. A new DSO Quad

    New hardware ! 4 real analog channels, 10-12 bit samples, at least 100MS/sec (per channel !). Improved "front end" and significantly more waveform memory (micro SD). Try to maintain the price point.

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  4. BT blink sound for bikes

    Needed a simple beep or sound generator and a bluetooth sending device with a common BT protocol in a water resistant housing on base of 12 V and a trigger input (or two).
    The trigger could be connected with the blinking relais, controling light or the two blinking lights.

    -> EASY, SIMPLE but VERY valuable for bikers, because they could hear the blinking INSIDE the helmet, while OUTSIDE beepers are forbidden for being too loud for the surrounding to be heard inside the helmet while cruising fast speed.
    I think this gadget should be sold very often, because its very…

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  5. Xadow GSM + BLE says planned shipment date next day since 21st december

    every day it says the next day

    I suggest you put a definite date

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  6. New User Administration

    Provide an option to enter user detail for new user registration (at time of purchase), becaause current default is ship address. Enable selection of ship or bill name and address as the account user.
    Consider separation of name and address (and link gender with name).
    FYI - all details are able to be sucessfully corrected within account maintenance.

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  7. mini projector, remote display

    mini projector maybe for mini HUD's and remote display so you can mount it without a board. could makes some cool things with these.

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  8. Official Raspberry Pi Touchscreen - Power bridge

    Official touchscreen has a long jumper cable for power.
    This can be much nicer with two small PCBs.
    There may also be a micro-usb connector for the power supply.

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  9. Premium pcb calculator

    Improve pcb calculator for 6-8 layers board

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  10. robust forgot password system

    Verify that the "forgot password" system works.

    19 votes
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  11. Add signup link to login page

    Simple, and pretty typical.

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  12. Out of Stock but on Sale! and no option to backorder!

    I have been trying to purchase GrovePi+ &Grove Smart Plant Care Kit for Arduino for months (out of stock); at least one was on sale SEEEDay2105! That was frustrating. I voted for the out of stock below. Will either be available?

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  13. Foiled by Firefox

    I went to order the quadcopter at 8.45 PST $188 special only to discover the add to cart doesn't work in IE. By the time I downloaded Firefox It was 8:58 PM PST. By the time I logged into PayPal, the sale was over. Thanks seedystudio.

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  14. Seeeday

    to NOT do a Seeeday again, because
    - the interesting things were gone after half the time AND
    - my coupon was flagged as "Expired" which clearly it was not.

    The idea to do a Seeeday is surely to make friends by offering nice prices and discount, but this way you make people wonder ...

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  15. Fraud?

    I suggest you fix your ordering system!

    1) I ordered and paid $398,20 USD.
    2) You prepared to ship something for $110.58, so I complained that something is missing.
    3) You cancelled my order claiming I did not pay (so your accountant says) and suggested to re-order
    4) I sent you my paypal transaction of $398,20 USD and your invoice of 110.58 EUR.
    5) and I am waiting for a reply

    Obviously I am not willing to reorder and pay twice.



    Robert Berger
    Embedded Software Specialist

    Reliable Embedded Systems
    Consulting Training Engineering

    subscribe to Linux…

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  16. 4 votes
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  17. provide Documentation in English for ESP8266 module small and a tutorial on web site.

    provide Documentation in English for ESP8266 module small and a tutorial on web site. If you sell it in USA you need to provide English documentation.

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  18. Please revise your search form, why do I have to put in the date, give me default. I'm searching "labview" in your store and found nothing!

    Please revise your search form, why do I have to put in the date, give me default. I'm searching "labview" in your store and found nothing!

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  19. WS2812B breakout board does not say how many are in the package

    I can't figure out how many I'm going to get, because it doesn't say. The picture shows five, but one commenter received only one. Please add a number to the description saying how many WS2812B breakout boards I will receive if I order one unit.

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  20. 3 votes
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