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554 results found

  1. 24 votes
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  2. 1 vote
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  3. Notify me bouton


    Your definition of : Out of stock.

    Product out of stock now, kindly click “Notify Me “on page, Seeed will send the inform email when in stock.

    Adding a Notify Me button ? :D

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  4. Use existing address information

    Use the address you have on record for existing, logged in users. When I go to the checkout, I have to enter and address that you already have!
    Lost sale there.

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  5. Release 3D-files for Wio link, Wio node and compatible grove sensors to make it easier for users to create their own 3D-printable casings

    Release 3D-files for Wio link, Wio node and compatible grove sensors to make it easier for users to create their own 3D-printable casings and holders.

    4 votes
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  6. Electrical Conductivity Sensor

    It seems to me like the only thing you guys are missing for building a hydroponics environment monitor with Grove is the Electrical Conductivity sensor. I'm working on building such a monitor and it'd be great to use Grove for it :)

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  7. "Processing" is not a very descriptive way of telling me where my project is at.

    I can't see any deeper information than that my project is "processing" what does this mean? When can I expect it to change?

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  8. Adapt your code for RGB matrix ?


    I need a pilot board for a 64x32 RGB Leb Matrix. I saw your matrix driver board here :

    But it doesn't seem to pilot RGB matrix... only RED and GREEN matrix. Is it possible to adapt the code for this ?



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  9. make larger flex circuits! PCB's go up to 30cm, flex circuits should too :)

    seeed flex circuits are very reasonably priced, however they don't go large enough to make a real wire harness replacement in any decent size project. Would love to see the flex circuits get the same size options as the rigid PCB's :)

    8 votes
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  10. Allow Login Screen to work with LastPass

    The old bazaar allowed me to save my username/password with LastPass. Now, when I try to use it, the validation kicks in saying invalid email address.

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  11. Please make a HomePlug shield!

    WiFi is fine but HomePlug is better! So please make a shield for the BeagleBones.

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  12. Please add the 5 GHz to your BeagleBone Green! Or launch the BeagleBone Orange with the 5 GHz only WLAN. Should be rather easy to do...

    Without doing my homework I think that the 5 GHz WLAN could be done just by WLAN controller and crystal changes and even the board could be essentially the same.

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  13. add re order tap to PCB order history (ie as it was).

    add re order tap to PCB order history (ie as it was).

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  14. include SOME documentation with retail products.

    I bought a relay shield at Radio Shack and it came with ZERO documentation. How much would it cost you to include a single small sheet of paper? That is all it would take. Even if you included a link to the docs on the box - that would cost you even less. But NOTHING? That is ridiculous.

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  15. Tech Support Page Not Working

    I noticed that when I enter information on the tech support page that I get error 405 - Not allowed.

    Can you please fix that problem?

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  16. Fix new login screen

    I'm currently having problem logging in new website.
    although I can login thru old bazzar, I think it is necessary
    to fix new login :( it keeps on telling me "Wrong password!!!".
    Even the "Forgot password?" page didn't worked for me.
    please fix this ASAP!

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  17. +One Button "Please get this in stock"

    +One Button "Please get this in stock" request - to indicate how large the interest is in a product.

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  18. Fix your website so I can login..

    Fix your website so I can login.. click on button and nothing happens?

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  19. new customer

    set terms with seedstudio to make purchases

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  20. I suggest you have a loot at this interesting open source bluetooth tag with sensors

    Check this out
    They are launching a funding campaign, but all the stuff seems to be open source. I think there would be a lot of interest in tags like this. Would you consider manufacturing it?

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