Logic level shifter for grove components
Logic level shifter for grove components:
I'd like to suggest a logic level shifter for I2C, digital, and analog Grove components. I'm envisioning a small Grove PCB with two grove connectors one 5V power supply connector and a logic level shifter fast enough for I2C (e.g., https://www.adafruit.com/product/757). The grove logic level shifter would allow to easily connect 3V microcontrollers to 5V grove components.

Steve Seidel commented
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hisenberg methman commented
I seem to have ordered a set of incompatible items from the SODAQ shop (a warning would have been nice :wink:) and was wondering if there is a general and safe way to make them compatible.
This concerns voltage and drivers.
The Autonomo runs on 3.3V which means that (at least) the following Grove items will probably not work correctly:
- RGB chainable LED (seems to work on 3.3V, albeit buggy)
- 125 kHz RFID reader
- IR reflective sensor
- Bee socketSupposing 5V is available (through USB or otherwise) what is the best way to go at this? I can feed 5V into the Grove element, but what needs to be done to the signals? Will feeding 5V signals to the Autonomo do damage? Will components reliably see 3.3V as high? What's the best way to convert signals, if needed?
Regarding drivers/libraries I see that for instance the IR examples include avr/io.h which is apparently an API for AVR based Arduino's, and as Autonomo is ARM based they are of no use. Is there a general way to adapt such code or are the architectural differences so big that re-writing the library is a more viable option?
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