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554 results found

  1. We need a MagnetoPot Potentiometer in Grove ...
    Build us a MagnetoPot Potentiometer leaf to plug into Grove. This will allow the monitoring and response to motion using a solid state contactless sensor. These particular Pots monitor over a longer range of motion so will be highly flexible and useful in there applications for many projects and Grove user applications.

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  2. Accumulate Order

    Your recent Flash Sales are great, but if I could pay for then combine my orders from multiple flash sales then I can save on postage costs and pay postage separately at the end. But it does mean you will need to set aside each order until the end or give buyer option.

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  3. Make an HC11/12 development kit available.

    433MHz comms are used by many devices and the 433MHz chip on the HC12 has a lot of capabilities. If an IDE were available then the HC12 board could be adapted by developers for purposes beyond the standard FU1/2/3 usage.

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  4. About the longer grove cables ....

    Should be nice if you can offer the possibility to join two or more ... Shields or grove sensors ... Into one only device


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  5. Linkit Assist 2502 Wiki and Projects

    Complete support and Wiki page for Linkit Assist 2502. It says it works with xadow but nothing is clear in the manual provided by mediatek and not even a single project image or video on the internet. Makes me skeptical whether to buy the kit or not because after buying it, I won't be able to know how to handle it.

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  6. Wiki cleanup - image link for beaglebone green - so back to black as not real product site.

    Basic business - image for boot has to be available for development or it is hard to develop scripts for stock parts to final configuration. Current wiki link is broken.

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  7. Java open source development kit based on AzulSystems' Zulu / Open JDK.

    I am @NathanTippy from and we are building a light weight pure Java solution for the Grove Edison and Grove RaspberryPI platforms. We are using the Zulu JDK and Open JDK to avoid licensing costs. Analog, Digital and I2C work has already been prototyped and demonstrated.

    Would you consider sponsoring some or all of this work? We have one engineer (w/ 20yrs Java experience) working on this part time now and a number of interested and skilled engineers who could begin work on this quickly.

    This entire project is open source and BSD licensed to encourage wide adoption and…

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  8. Rephone/Xadow Strap/Mesh kit

    Influenced by The RePhone project and the Pebble Time project. create a form factor custom strap/mesh kit which can house xadow parts (maybe Grove sensors) with a connection to RePhone/Wio Project. Each Xadow or Grove part is housed in a sturdy weather resistant container - to protect the electronics from damage/weather. Allowing the strap/mesh kit to connect with the Xadow flexible cables and Grove sensors so that it is attachable to clothing, walls (inside or out), poles, necks, vests etc.

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  9. working link

    Please place a link "track this order" which actually works.

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  10. Official Raspberry Pi Touchscreen - Power bridge

    Official touchscreen has a long jumper cable for power.
    This can be much nicer with two small PCBs.
    There may also be a micro-usb connector for the power supply.

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  11. I want to pay extra for options

    Dear, I want to pay USD 10 for my PCB project extra because of panel. How can I do this?

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  12. A new DSO Quad

    New hardware ! 4 real analog channels, 10-12 bit samples, at least 100MS/sec (per channel !). Improved "front end" and significantly more waveform memory (micro SD). Try to maintain the price point.

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  13. Xadow GSM + BLE says planned shipment date next day since 21st december

    every day it says the next day

    I suggest you put a definite date

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  14. Your online BOM List can not be filled. Please fix it.

    Bom list can not be filled online. Online list does't show.

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  15. New User Administration

    Provide an option to enter user detail for new user registration (at time of purchase), becaause current default is ship address. Enable selection of ship or bill name and address as the account user.
    Consider separation of name and address (and link gender with name).
    FYI - all details are able to be sucessfully corrected within account maintenance.

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  16. mini projector, remote display

    mini projector maybe for mini HUD's and remote display so you can mount it without a board. could makes some cool things with these.

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  17. Premium pcb calculator

    Improve pcb calculator for 6-8 layers board

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  18. Add signup link to login page

    Simple, and pretty typical.

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  19. Out of Stock but on Sale! and no option to backorder!

    I have been trying to purchase GrovePi+ &Grove Smart Plant Care Kit for Arduino for months (out of stock); at least one was on sale SEEEDay2105! That was frustrating. I voted for the out of stock below. Will either be available?

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  20. Foiled by Firefox

    I went to order the quadcopter at 8.45 PST $188 special only to discover the add to cart doesn't work in IE. By the time I downloaded Firefox It was 8:58 PM PST. By the time I logged into PayPal, the sale was over. Thanks seedystudio.

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