My Seeed Idea
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Idea Guidelines:
1 – Idea needs to be something we can do. This means, although we appreciate general feedback (for example, “this is good!” or “this hurts!”), here we are looking for ideas we can work on.
2 – Specific. The more details you can provide, the better. Heck—you can attach files to ideas or a reference link to show us what you want!
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554 找到的结果
PLEASE!!!! Show my product name/number of the order history. I frequently order a large number of different board designs (almost 30) in fairly small quantities (10 - 20 at a time). I frequently need to reference the order history either to see what is on order or sometimes to reorder a particular design, However, this is impossible when every item is identified only as SKU: 501010001. ALL OF MY ORDERS have this SKU, so it is impossible to tell which is which. PLEASE add the Gerber file name to the order history.
6 票 -
Small batch custom firmware for Jetson?
Hey, Seeed. We are a startup in the States and I love your jetson series products. It has bothered us to burn our firmware into to devices every time. Is that possible that Seeed can help pre-stall our software before shipment. But it is not large batch (may be ~10pcs each batch). We can accept reasonable processing fee if possible.
13 票 -
Indeed, that is valid. I've utilized lots of electronic shopping sites throughout the long term, presumably Seeed is accomplishing an extrao
Indeed, that is valid. I've utilized lots of electronic shopping sites throughout the long term, presumably Seeed is accomplishing an extraordinary work. I'm adoring every one of the new items delivered up to this point. Extraordinary work folks, if it's not too much trouble, keep it up!
2 票 -
XIAO series products applied to compact wearable devices ideas
WishList⏰ Seeed‘s Product Manager is doing something New: a bluetooth watch demo that can count steps using our XIAO BLE and a 1.28" circular LCD display.
XIAO series products are very suitable for compact wearable devices. Are you looking forward to this XIAO BLE Bluetooth watch? If you get this circular display, what project ideas do you have? We'll help you turn your ideas into reality.
👇Shout-our your voices in the comment section.13 票 -
DIY keyboard ideas share
I got XIAO RP2040 and XIAO BLE sense last month. I want to use them to DIY a keyboard, any info to share?
9 票 -
Need more Sensors to use in my smart home projects
I am building a smart home project in my grandma's house, and the fall detection really works well, can I know if you guys will have more sensors that I can adopt in my current projects? Thanks.
3 票 -
2 票
Use https for
Please implement https for
http makes the password useless.
3 票 -
There should be a filter added for "Price" such as (low to high, high to low) in seed studio bazaar categories as it will help users.
There should be a filter added for "Price" such as (low to high, high to low) in seed studio bazaar categories as it will help users to identify the best-priced products.
4 票 -
There should be a filter added for "Price" such as (low to high, high to low) in seed studio bazaar categories as it will help users.
There should be a filter added for "Price" such as (low to high, high to low) in seed studio bazaar categories as it will help users to identify the best-priced products.
4 票 -
What was your last purchase?
I wonder how your Black Friday holiday discounts went and what you managed to buy yourself?
11 票 -
Make an affordable boolean logic block system for STEM education
I have seen these type of blocks (AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NOR, NAND etc.) before but none of them were affordable or complete. These blocks seem simple but can be a good education stuff. Also, they could be magnetically snapped or using simple connectors. What I would like to see a comprehensive sets of these redundant blocks which can make basic circuits. It would be awesome if OP-AMP blocks can be added for advanced users.
6 票 -
Fix Inventory Listings (Counts of Available Products)
Hello Seeed,
I enjoy all of your products and detailed product documentation!
I have the following comment to make about the ordering process at Seeed:
I've placed two orders that ended up including products sold to me that were later declared "Out of Stock". Seeed only explained to me that these items were "Out of Stock" after I'd already paid for the orders and after I'd contacted Seeed (~1 month later) to ask them why my orders had a status of "Confirmed", but never shipped. The items were not listed as "Out of Stock" when I placed the order. I'd…
3 票 -
Facilitate upgrades by opening a second hand trading section
We´re trying to find a Jetson Agx Xavier Developer Kit 32GB for an internal R&D project in Madrid, Spain but I can´t find any available anywhere, and we can´t afford more expensive options.
I imagine more people will be in our same situation.
At the same time, probably other people need to upgrade to more powerful systems and could benefit from a discount trading in their used units, that you could revise and resell second hand?
That way everybody wins!9 票 -
My Idea
I want to see if Seeed OPL is compatible with RS DesignSpark software or how to upload RS BOM and allow your system to find compatible components, from which I can then choose What to change.
8 票 -
idea about double check option for cart
Is it good to show a popup about double-checking the product to the buyer before the transaction?
1 票 -
Idea forum mixes Chinese and English
The idea forum currently mixes Chinese and English, making it hard to use.
Please ensure consistency on either language.
1 票 -
Search function is too bad, fix it
seeed's website search function is so terrible. I've typed "Wio terminal" in exactly correct and finally found it on the second page, I nearly missed it...
1 票 -
Seeed Studio rocks!
Yes, that's true. I've used tons of electronic shopping websites over the years, no doubt Seeed is doing a great work. I'm loving all the new products released so far. Great work guys, please keep it up!
Again a massive thank you! :)9 票 -
do you intend to sell the high performace version of reserver? or is it a joke?
that if you can't sell something be honest about it
1 票
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