Facilitate upgrades by opening a second hand trading section
We´re trying to find a Jetson Agx Xavier Developer Kit 32GB for an internal R&D project in Madrid, Spain but I can´t find any available anywhere, and we can´t afford more expensive options.
I imagine more people will be in our same situation.
At the same time, probably other people need to upgrade to more powerful systems and could benefit from a discount trading in their used units, that you could revise and resell second hand?
That way everybody wins!

Kate Cole commented
I appreciate the information and advice you have shared.
Hi Gerardo, thank you for your idea. For Jetson AGX Dev Kit, we will recommend our new release AGX H01 kit. It will get back in stock soon: https://www.seeedstudio.com/Jetson-Xavier-AGX-H01-Kit-p-5283.html
Find more about Jetson Platform hardware at Seeed: https://www.seeedstudio.com/tag/nvidia.html
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