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Firmware update and Arduino sketches on RePhone Geo Kit does not work on my Windows 7 64bit PC

Q. Firmware update and Arduino sketches on RePhone Geo Kit does not work on my Windows 7 64bit PC. Tried on two samples - one Kickstarter sample and one from a more recent order (below). 1. FirmwareUpdater.exe hangs immediately. So I can't make sure the correct firmware is running in the RePhone. Also in admin mode. 2. Step 9 of "A demo: Hello World" shows (on the Debug port) a binary data trace (see screendump below) instead of the expected "Hello world" listing. Also in admin mode. Also the default sketch (doing nothing) has the same result. I have followed with the following corrections: 1. nointegritychecks ON ( 2. Arduino uploading to Modem port.

A.  Switch from Windows 7 to Windows 10 made it possible to update the


Doing the Reset to defaults step on made it
possible to program via Debug Port.

The garbage on debug port seems to be created by the firmware and
contains trace messages that can be studied using Step 9 on

Now testing development on downloaded from after having renamed its
executable to eclipse.exe, followed your installation procedure for
Eclipse above and finally copying over the arduino hardware folder from
your kit to the location mentioned in the first video. Looks promising!

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