Website Naviagtion
I really like the products that you have on your site. I like it that Radio Shack also carries them. I found your site hard to navigate and find what i am looking for easily or even just to browse like an online store. On the other hand your competitors like SparkFun Pololu are really easy to navigate. I often find my self just browsing things on there store for hours. With this site i just don't feel like it give the feel to stay and "shop". I come in like i do when I go to radio shack retail store, Look for what i need then leave. I just feel like you could categorize you side menu better. I like the by platform and then by type. It is nice to be able to click on Arduino see shields controllers etc.
Jorden Luke

Hang Xie commented
update: luke
any suggestion? -
Hang Xie commented
Thanks Jorden, we are about to change the navigation bar and a new category based on tag. The version will be tested the week, I can give you a screenshot of how it works, hope you could join to give more suggestion.