What is Gerber file?
Gerber files should be inside a .rar or.zip archive with standard file extensions:
Extension Layer
- pcbname.GTL Top Copper
- pcbname.GTS Top Soldermask
- pcbname.GTO Top Silkscreen
- pcbname.GBL Bottom copper
- pcbname.GBS Bottom Soldermask:
- pcbname.GBO Bottom Silkscreen:
- pcbname.TXT Drills
- pcbname.GML/GKO *Board Outline:
- 4 layer board also need
- pcbname.GL2 Inner Layer2
- pcbname.GL3 Inner Layer3
PCB Outline is required. Drawing board outline in Eagle (layer 20).
Gerber file is used for the manufacturing process.
Below is a picture on how to compress the necessary files.