DipTrace gerber export tutorial incorrect (twice)
In your tutorial regarding how to export gerber files from DipTrace, you show the resulting output files as all having .gbr extension, yet your standard is for the extension to indicate the type of file and for each file name (sans extension) to be the same. That is misleading.
Also, you show a set of Gerber file types highlighted in the Layers box. This will NOT limit the output to only those file types. When you hit the "Export All" button it will, literally, Export ALL of the file types, not just the ones that were highlighted.
There is a way to get the DipTrace Gerber Exporter to export the files in the way SeeedStudios requires:
- Click on the "Files" button.
- Under the Filename column, enter "<project>.ext". Don't include the quotes and replace "ext" with the proper extension for that file type. For instance: for "Top Silk" enter "<project>.GTO". For "Top Mask" enter <project>.GTS.
- Under the 'Include into "Export All"' column, set to "yes" all of the files SeedStudios requires, and "no" for all other file types.
- Click "OK"
Once this is set up, hitting the "Export All" button will format the filenames in the SeeedStudio style AND will only export the file types that SeeedStudio requires. BTW: the "<project>" field is replaced with the project name, thus, each output file will have the project name as the body (with the appropriate extension).