Seeed Fusion PCB upload error: Drill file not found (日本)
Most PCBs require drill holes of some sort. The Seeed Fusion PCB platform can identify drill files that are in Excellon format when files are uploaded.
If the platform is unable to extract the drill file, please first check that the uploaded package contains at least one drill file in Excellon format.
A drill file is not being detected
1. For some PCB software, exporting the drill files is a separate step to exporting Gerber files. See if we have a guide for your ECAD software here, or refer to the official documentation.
2. Make sure you have the drill file, not the drill drawing or drill map. The drill drawing and drill map are Gerber files and are not machine-readable.
3. Make sure the drill file is in Excellon format, not EIA binary format. You can check this by opening the drill file in notepad. The contents should be readable (ASCII text). If it is in EIA format, then it will appear unreadable. Not all our equipment can read this format.
My files contain a drill file but it is not being detected
If you are sure your upload contains a drill file, please ignore the error and proceed with the order. CAM engineers will contact you if they have any problems with the file.
My boards do not require drill holes
If your design does not need drill files, or the drill holes are indicated in the outline layer, then please ignore the error and proceed with the order. The CAM engineers may ask you to confirm if they suspect drill holes are needed for proper board functionality.
Date Modified 2021/12/15