Lotus version with a Picaxe chip
The idea of combining the Grove system with an ATmega chip in the recent Lotus board is great. Working in the field of education, also using Picaxe chips along with a free flowcharting software (Logicator) we are dreaming of a same type of board with a 28x2 chip.
John Martin commented
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Eric commented
I understand that you are focusing on Arduino platform. But one day... consider Picaxe also.
s4a software is not exactly a flowchart software and is close to Scratch, an interesting solution to teach programming to students.
AdminUSB (Admin, Seeed Studio) commented
Hi,using the Picaxe chips and Logicator is really a convenience way in education. But we are focusing on Arduino platforms now.
There are multiple ways to program Arduino with graph tools,one of the link is:http://s4a.cat
Please check and let us know if this is a good solution.