Make logins last longer
While assembling a recent order over several days, I was very frustrated by how often I had to log in. I can understand asking for my password before placing an order or viewing account details, but I just wanted to see the items in my cart. I don't think meaningful security is gained by not letting me stay logged in.
nandyst commented
Employees can access Webmail using TCS Webmail login through Citrix Receiver on or on mobile or computer.
venkat987 commented
Set accordingly! This will tell the session garbage collector not to destroy the session for 2000 seconds. Also, session_register is deprecated.
Most things check out, but the time it takes for a user to login is very long. .... After making the change to php.ini and restarting Apache, I logged in and out (twice), .. -
Anonymous commented
I'm in a legal state if that matters. Are there any retailers to avoid or that are excellent? Any legal issues I should worry about? I was thinking something feminized and auto flowering for ease. I'm fond of Indica and Indica dominant hybrids, any recommendations for decent forgiving strains? Any strains I should avoid? I'm looking at doing an outdoor grow as well as tinkering with a space bucket project I've been meaning to finish.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
hisenberg methman commented
Edit your .htaccess and put something like:
php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 2000
2000 is in seconds. Set accordingly! This will tell the session garbage collector not to destroy the session for 2000 seconds. Also, session_register is deprecated.
also see- see-